10:41 PM 2/5/00 I sit here with pen in hand....thinking of you. How do I express my Love for you? You are my everything. My heart, my soul...my mind. You complete me with all that you are. Your smile is a gateway to an infinite realm of happiness and glory. When I stand with you, my cup is full. When I hold you, my cup is over-flowing. When I kiss you, it pours never ending. Only a short time ago, you walked into my life. What a glorious day that was.....it will always be remembered. How beautiful, the heavens stand above me, to bless me with a being such as you. A being full of Light and Hope, with a Heart that is measureless in compassion and consideration. Walk with me, my Love......walk with me on the sandy, warm beaches of Eternity. I will always be with you in Life...inseperable even in Death. For if the Reaper were to come and take me from you, it would only be a partial delay of My Everlasting Love. I love you now, as I always have. I will forever be with you.